Sunday, January 3, 2010

Almost back to work

I'm really focusing on positive changes for 2010. I spent the weekend working on updating my wardrobe and cleaning my apt. Wow I can't believe how much stuff I have after only being in LA for about 8 years. Urggh such a pack rat!

But it's kind of good to go through all my things so I can get rid of my old life and memories that kept me stuck in a 'holding pattern'.

I think the biggest change I'm making is that I refuse to put my life on hold any longer. I'm going to live my life since I want to enjoy myself. So out goes stuff that I'm holding on to because of the associated memories. Toss stuff I 'plan' to repair/fix that I never get to fixing. Donate all the clothes, shoes and stuff that I have & don't need!

I plan to be all ready for the year by 2010 with an apartment that is ready for new memories and a bit of decorating to brighten it up.

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