Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New daily goal

I've always tried to smile or at least say hello to one person a day BUT now I've decided to really step up my dating. So I'm going to flirt with men more and try to seem more 'available'.

My goal will be to strike up a conversation with at least one man a day. I read the Steve Harvey dating book (GREAT read and quite insightful) and it's given me some good ideas of how to interact with men. I've always been a 'go with the flow' type of woman who tried to be 'understanding' about behavior I didn't like/agree with but now I realize that if I want a top quality guy I have to not compromise.

So I want a guy who's my equal. A person happy with his job/life, professional, college educated, attractive, good personality, nice, honest, no game playing and someone with common interests/life goals.

Now I just have to figure out where these men are in LA!


This has been the worst year for my allergies EVER! Am I the only one to notice that when you go to the drugstore the pharmacist encourages you to buy the medicine on the shelf? Really do I look like I'm a meth head? I'd have to have horrible teeth and be skinny as a rail (obviously I never miss a meal).

It's a bit annoying that I'm empacted negatively by drug using idiots. In my opinion drugs should be legalized and taxed to all get out! It would be a huge boon to the economy and the drug usage taxes could be used for programs geared towards users. I don't do drugs so why should my money go towards programs to stop people from doing what they want.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Apt hunting -- Mid Wilshire Edition

Are they on CRACK??? I can't believe how much these people want to charge to live on Wilshire. Cheapest I found for a 1 bedroom was $1500 a month. I can literally live a block from my job in Beverly Hills for that amount AND have 2 bathrooms. So it looks like I'm going to be a 90210 posth type of woman in the near future. Hmm so that means I'll have to be a bit snotty and speak with my 'posh' voice when saying that I live in the BH (that's how we say it .. the BH (all caps))

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Culture Wars ..

Wow I have to admit surprise that all of the Republican Wedge Issues that would have blown President Obama and other candidates out of the water are not working.

I believe that the reason is that time has passed them by but they are still stuck in the Reagan Era. That time has passed because those voters are getting older and that population is shrinking. Instead the current generation of new voters are better educated, have the internet to expose them to different ideas and more diversity in their life (gays, mulitcultural, different class backgrounds, more movement within the USA, different career paths).

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wow the year is passing by so fast

Well I joined my gym in January and have been going semi regularly (min 2 times a week). I recently got a trainer that seems to be helping with motivation and just forcing me to really up my excercise routing.

I'm feeling a lot better than I have in a long time. I know a HUGE part of it is my job at CSMC. IMy job has always been a huge part of my identiy. It's about my feeling independent, able to take care of myself and a job that fits in with my 'life' philosophy.

Now all I have to do is lose 100 pds (yikes!) and I'll be one happy healthy person!