Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I've been remiss

I'm over the diet hump I was on after my yearly visit with my doc. She said I'd only lost 2 pounds since I'd seen her last (6 months ago) and it really upset me. I've been hitting the gym strenously for 3 - 4 times a week for about an hour. I've been eating healthier (less sugar, late meals, etc) and it felt like it was all for naught.

So I pigged out for the last 2 weeks on cupcakes, pizza, pop, fries and sandwiches. But a complete miracle happened. A pair of jeans I'd bought around Christmas that were 2 sizes too small somehow are now fitting! I'd gotten them as an incentive/reward for when I get smaller.

So now think that I'm firming up and losing weight slowly so no more upset eating! Instead I'm going to think of it as a marathon. Slow going but crossing the finish line will be so satisfying!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's taken a year

but I am finally in the swing of things at the gym. I go at least 3 times a week and it shows. I'm losing weight and feel healthier 'lighter'!

I try to take the Step Class 2 times a week and am now able to keep up with everyone! I feel so good about sticking with my goal last year of getting in shape. I try not to think of a ideal 'weight' but instead focus on being healthier and able to keep up with friends (walking, hiking, etc).

I also seem to be attracting guys! I can't figure out if since I'm more confidant about my body that I'm meeting men or if since I'm losing weight more are just more interested.

I think it's a combination of a more self confidant woman that is chatting with more people (men and women) and since dating is a numbers game I am increasing my chances to meet a great guy!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Almost back to work

I'm really focusing on positive changes for 2010. I spent the weekend working on updating my wardrobe and cleaning my apt. Wow I can't believe how much stuff I have after only being in LA for about 8 years. Urggh such a pack rat!

But it's kind of good to go through all my things so I can get rid of my old life and memories that kept me stuck in a 'holding pattern'.

I think the biggest change I'm making is that I refuse to put my life on hold any longer. I'm going to live my life since I want to enjoy myself. So out goes stuff that I'm holding on to because of the associated memories. Toss stuff I 'plan' to repair/fix that I never get to fixing. Donate all the clothes, shoes and stuff that I have & don't need!

I plan to be all ready for the year by 2010 with an apartment that is ready for new memories and a bit of decorating to brighten it up.

Friday, January 1, 2010


I hope that 2010 is a continuation of all the positive things that happened last year. I am still happy with my company/job/department, am working on getting in shape and am focused on my interior self (exercise of mind and body).

My goals are to keep busy with my JLLA commitments, going to the gym a minimum of 3 times a week, cooking more to control my weight, make new friends and to date. I will be able to start to pay off debts by the end of February after taking care of a few unexpected emergencies.

All in all if I keep my mind on my goals I will make major changes in the coming year