Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My positive love list for 2010!

This my list of what I think is important in the man I am in love with

Must Have’s – Not Negotible:

  1. Good sense of humor
  2. Smart
  3. Kind
  4. Honest
  5. Dependable
  6. Sci Fi/Fantasy interest
  7. Creative
  8. Intellectually curious
  9. Attractive (my type) -- geeky
  10. Nice smile
  11. College educated
  12. Single and emotionally available
  13. Well read
  14. Politically aware
  15. Omnivore

Can Compromise:

  1. Type of humor/sarcastic personality
  2. Dog lover
  3. Politically active
  4. Book lover
  5. Romantic gestures
  6. Sci Fan/Fantasy Fan
  7. Comic Con Attendee

Definitely Don’t Want:

  1. Dishonest
  2. Mean
  3. Cruel
  4. Lazy
  5. Not ambitious
  6. Not interested in family/marriage
  7. Doesn't like animals
  8. Drug user
  9. Smoker
  10. Right wing conservative

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/lifestyle/horoscopes/2009/12/29/2009-12-29_positive_thought_love_list.html#ixzz0b7Ys0sls

Well a new year is coming -- 2010

I'm happy to say that 2010 looks like it will be a great year for me with lots of changes. The big one is that I kept my resolution to eat healthy, exercise, diet, focus on making myself over inside and out. It's been work but I've lost almost 50 pds this year! I feel better about myself since I'm focusing on my positive attributes and abilities. I'm keeping busy with LA Junior League and expanding my circle of friends.

I hope that everyone focuses on just 2 or 3 new year resolutions that you can attain and will be positive for the new year.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Successful Tactics for Health Care Town Hall Meetings

Thanks Cheri Cabot (Political Chick) for forwarding this to everyone!
Subject: Successful Tactics for Health Care Town Hall Meetings
To: "Drinking Liberally - Pasadena"
Date: Thursday, August 20, 2009, 10:21 PM

To Fellow Health Care Reform Supporters,

While attending Congressman Adam Schiff’s successful town
hall meeting last week in Alhambra, CA, I made observations of several
important tactics that were used to keep the meeting under control
and out of the hands of right-wing fringe groups and those fanatically
opposing any health care reform.

If you know of any Congressmen or Congresswomen holding
such town hall meetings you may want to pass these suggestions along to

1) Hold the meeting outside in a large area. There can be no complaints about not getting into the meeting and having the right of free speech abused. Also, an outside venue dilutes screaming and yelling, including bullhorns. Even with a large crowd there were 3,000 at this meeting, so far the largest regarding health care reform the noise gets diluted.

2) Pre-printed signs, those printed off the Internet or professionally, are much easier to read. They don’t need to be large, but neat & easy to read, front and back. Keep the message simple. Avoid clutter. Oversized signs are difficult to hold, so keep them of moderate size. If they are too heavy, people get tired of holding them. Also, with continuity in the signs it is easy to see where like- minded people are gathering.

3) Plenty of security. There were 80 policemen scattered around, as well as on the rooftops. They moved about in pairs and were easy to find.

4) The stage was quite high. This took away the intimidation factor of
getting in the face of the speaker. The panel sat behind draped tables, back from the crowd, which allowed them to look out and down over the crowd. There was also a dais the moderator stood behind putting him even higher above the crowd. Policemen surrounded the stage so no one could rush the stage or jump up on it and try to take over the meeting or create havoc.

5) There were enormous sets of loud speakers on either side of the
stage as well as huge stage lights. The loud speakers allowed the Congressman and panel members to continue to talk even when there was
jeering and yelling. The loud speakers were much bigger than any voices on the ground.

6) This factor was huge. No one in the crowd was ever allowed to have
a microphone. Detractors are told to get to a microphone as quickly as possible, using it to disrupt and/or take over the meeting. The panel took questions for almost an hour, and anyone wanting to ask a question had to line up in front of the stage. They had to tell the moderator their question, who in turn repeated it into the microphone and directed it to the proper person on the panel. Taking this power element out of the hands of potential disrupters was especially effective and frustrating for them.

The pre-printed signs are available at http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/health-care-action-center/, a
project of the Democratic National Committee, or Health Care for America NOW, a coalition of national organizations.

To read about successful tactics used by health care reform supporters
at the meeting read my column at this link: http://personalpolitics.gather.com/

This is the most important issue for our generation! Please make every
effort to show your support. Write, e-mail, call and meet with your Representatives and Senators

Friday, May 15, 2009


I'm so looking forward to this weekend. I'm going to 'relax' and just enjoy myself. I am looking forward to attending a really interesting art exhibit in Santa Monica with friends tonight, going to a volunteer meeting & out with a friend Saturday and Sunday just a lazy day. Maybe brunch and a long walk in the hot sun.

I'm going to have a good weekend!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Black women don't excercise because of our hair???

I saw a link on this newstory from CurlyNikki:

Great Hair Style or Exercise? Solving the delimma. The desire for straight hair keeps many African-American women from exercising and that can be the root of serious health problems. Robin Robinson reports on the change that might be one answer to the dangerous dilemma of women sacrificing their health for great hair.


My response: I was greatly offended by the segment called 'Great Hair Style or Exercise? Solving the Dilemma' aired to discuss black women and hair/exercise. So I wonder what about the fat white/asian/hispanic/etc women AND men in America that are overweight? Is it because of their desire to confirm to the American Beauty Standard of Hair? Or is it just the nappy black ones?

Black hair isn't 'ugly' and to say that some people are fat is because of hair is stupid. Some people don't like to exercise, in the African American community the ideal body isn't that of a prepubescent boy and some people are 'ok' with themselves.

You should be ashamed of yourself for this slam on women in general and black women in particular.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Star Trekkin, BABY!

I saw the film at a screening in LA Arclight on Tuesday night. IT BLEW MY MIND!!! It's a reimagining (made up word) of the Star Trek Mythology and it was great.

The selection of the cast, story line, AWESOME plot twists, introduction, random cameos and the design of the ships. I don't want to give away anything but I am a TRUE Star Trek Fan (seen all the shows, movies, gone to conventions, Met Mrs. Roddenberry).

It has a lot of details for people who aren't fans but the pace is quick and lively. The writing is good and the cast good/solid. I love the 'trueness' they kept with the characters mannerisms but the modern updates kept it fresh for me.

I enjoyed it so much I plan to see it on Saturday too!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New daily goal

I've always tried to smile or at least say hello to one person a day BUT now I've decided to really step up my dating. So I'm going to flirt with men more and try to seem more 'available'.

My goal will be to strike up a conversation with at least one man a day. I read the Steve Harvey dating book (GREAT read and quite insightful) and it's given me some good ideas of how to interact with men. I've always been a 'go with the flow' type of woman who tried to be 'understanding' about behavior I didn't like/agree with but now I realize that if I want a top quality guy I have to not compromise.

So I want a guy who's my equal. A person happy with his job/life, professional, college educated, attractive, good personality, nice, honest, no game playing and someone with common interests/life goals.

Now I just have to figure out where these men are in LA!


This has been the worst year for my allergies EVER! Am I the only one to notice that when you go to the drugstore the pharmacist encourages you to buy the medicine on the shelf? Really do I look like I'm a meth head? I'd have to have horrible teeth and be skinny as a rail (obviously I never miss a meal).

It's a bit annoying that I'm empacted negatively by drug using idiots. In my opinion drugs should be legalized and taxed to all get out! It would be a huge boon to the economy and the drug usage taxes could be used for programs geared towards users. I don't do drugs so why should my money go towards programs to stop people from doing what they want.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Apt hunting -- Mid Wilshire Edition

Are they on CRACK??? I can't believe how much these people want to charge to live on Wilshire. Cheapest I found for a 1 bedroom was $1500 a month. I can literally live a block from my job in Beverly Hills for that amount AND have 2 bathrooms. So it looks like I'm going to be a 90210 posth type of woman in the near future. Hmm so that means I'll have to be a bit snotty and speak with my 'posh' voice when saying that I live in the BH (that's how we say it .. the BH (all caps))

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Culture Wars ..

Wow I have to admit surprise that all of the Republican Wedge Issues that would have blown President Obama and other candidates out of the water are not working.

I believe that the reason is that time has passed them by but they are still stuck in the Reagan Era. That time has passed because those voters are getting older and that population is shrinking. Instead the current generation of new voters are better educated, have the internet to expose them to different ideas and more diversity in their life (gays, mulitcultural, different class backgrounds, more movement within the USA, different career paths).

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wow the year is passing by so fast

Well I joined my gym in January and have been going semi regularly (min 2 times a week). I recently got a trainer that seems to be helping with motivation and just forcing me to really up my excercise routing.

I'm feeling a lot better than I have in a long time. I know a HUGE part of it is my job at CSMC. IMy job has always been a huge part of my identiy. It's about my feeling independent, able to take care of myself and a job that fits in with my 'life' philosophy.

Now all I have to do is lose 100 pds (yikes!) and I'll be one happy healthy person!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!

I hope that the year is well for everyone (well the start). I had a good NYE a bit more expensive than I had budgeted but pretty nice.

I went to supper at Rush Street with Donna and did a little people watching. We brought in the New Year at the Culver City Karaoke Bar called 'BackStage'. The BEST deal in town it was FREE to get in and NO reserved tables! A great diverse crowd of friendly people and CHEAP strong drinks.

My NYE Resolutions 2009

  1. Get back in SHAPE and join a gym near my office
  2. Go to the gym or exercise for 1 hour a day
  3. Do well at my job that I love so that I can get a raise and a promotion!
  4. Save money to buy a 'new' (to me) car -- 2005 or 2006 Acura RSX
  5. Meet new people and make add friends to my social circle
  6. Meet a nice guy to date (hmmm ... might be out of my control) but at least have a open heart to love
  7. Take a needed vacation sometime this year
  8. Go to Comic Con 2009 and stay at a decent hotel close to the action!
As you can see they are very reasonable and should be easy to do since I joined JLLA last year and have made new friends already. I know that my job is going well and am looking forward to my review (hope for raise).

So the latter half of last year improved by leaps and bounds. It started with leaving Spherion (as a recruiter) and joining CSMC. I finally got over my infatuation with SP and am finally ready to meet someone to date (after licking my emotional wounds after the horror of SP/JD).